If you found $200 lying on the ground, what would you do?
Melissa Torres, a team member at a hospital in Houston, Texas, recently found herself in that situation.
She was cleaning a room shortly after a patient—a new mother—was discharged. She saw $200 on the counter and immediately turned it into the appropriate person.
When the facility contacted the patient, she told them that she had left the $200 as a tip for housekeeping. She was blown away by the care she received—so much so that she wanted to have another baby just so she could come back to the hospital!
“With everything going on with COVID-19, Melissa just tries to stay focused and keep a positive attitude. She understands that many people are scared and need to see a smiling face—even through a mask,” said Denine Temple, Environmental Services (EVS) Director at the facility in Houston.
Melissa loves her job and enjoys helping patients with whatever they need. She makes sure everything is always done right and is dedicated to keeping her area clean and looking good.
As the world faces COVID-19, housekeepers like Melissa continue to deliver excellent care. The integrity that drove Melissa to return $200 to a patient is the same integrity that motivates her to give every patient a clean and safe room.